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At Meenakshi Maternity much of our attention is dedicated to the growing medical needs of today’s women to provide the best care possible. We provide various Gynaecological services through latest techniques and minimally invasive procedures

At Meenakshi Maternity we take care of all women, from the cradle to menopause, and we are one of the strongest advocates for women’s health. Our highly qualified Gynaecologists have an energy that is incomparable. Every Staff at Motherhood has a compassionate and deep respect for different morals and beliefs, yet we work together in a seamless manner. We understand that all women have different desires, and we customize the care accordingly.

Gynaecologists & Obstetricians at Motherhood specialize in preventive care and treatments.We look beyond the patient’s immediate medical needs by providing holistic and seamless integrated care. We have set up one-stop centres to provide comprehensive services under one roof. Specialist Doctors cover various areas, including check-ups, Uro-Gynaecology, Laparoscopy, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding and Fibroids.

The services range from diagnosis to treatment, and even emotional and psychological support.

Women Care – General Gynecology
Some women get through their monthly periods easily with few or no concerns. Their periods come like clockwork, starting and stopping at nearly the same time every month, causing little more than a minor inconvenience.

However, other women experience a host of physical and/or emotional symptoms just before and during menstruation. From heavy bleeding and missed periods to unmanageable mood swings, these symptoms may disrupt a woman's life in major ways.

Most menstrual cycle problems have straightforward explanations, and a range of treatment options exist to relieve your symptoms. If your periods feel overwhelming, discuss your symptoms with your health care professional. Once your symptoms are accurately diagnosed, he or she can help you choose the best treatment to make your menstrual cycle tolerable.

How the Menstrual Cycle Works
Your menstrual period is part of your menstrual cycle—a series of changes that occur to parts of your body (your ovaries, uterus, vagina and breasts) every 28 days, on average. Some normal menstrual cycles are a bit longer; some are shorter. The first day of your menstrual period is day one of your menstrual cycle. The average menstrual period lasts about five to seven days. A "normal" menstrual period for you may be different from what's "normal" for someone else.

Types of Menstrual Disorders
If one or more of the symptoms you experience before or during your period causes a problem, you may have a menstrual cycle "disorder." These include:
abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), which may include heavy menstrual bleeding, no menstrual bleeding (amenorrhea) or bleeding between periods (irregular menstrual bleeding)
dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual periods)
premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
premenstrual dysphonic disorder (PMDD)

Heavy menstrual bleeding

One in five women bleed so heavily during their periods that they have to put their normal lives on hold just to deal with the heavy blood flow.

Bleeding is considered heavy if it interferes with normal activities. Blood loss during a normal menstrual period is about 5 tablespoons, but if you have heavy menstrual bleeding, you may bleed as much as 10 to 25 times that amount each month. You may have to change a tampon or pad every hour, for example, instead of three or four times a day.

Heavy menstrual bleeding can be common at various stages of your life—during your teen years when you first begin to menstruate and in your late 40s or early 50s, as you get closer to menopause.

If you are past menopause and experience any vaginal bleeding, discuss your symptoms with your health care professional right away. Any vaginal bleeding after menopause isn't normal and should be evaluated immediately by a health care professional.

Heavy menstrual bleeding can be caused by:

hormonal imbalances
structural abnormalities in the uterus, such as polyps or fibroids
medical conditions


To help diagnose menstrual disorders, you should schedule an appointment with your health care professional. To prepare, keep a record of the frequency and duration of your periods. Also jot down any additional symptoms, such as cramping, and be prepared to discuss health history. Here is how your health care professional will help you specifically diagnose abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, PMS and PMDD:

Heavy menstrual bleeding

To diagnose heavy menstrual bleeding—also called menorrhagia—your health care professional will conduct a full medical examination to see if your condition is related to an underlying medical problem. This could be structural, such as fibroids, or hormonal. The examination involves a series of tests. These may include:

Ultrasound. High-frequency sound waves are reflected off pelvic structures to provide an image. Your uterus may be filled with a saline solution to perform this procedure, called a sonohysterography. No anesthesia is necessary.

Endometrial biopsy. A scraping method is used to remove some tissue from the lining of your uterus. The tissue is analyzed under a microscope to identify any possible problem, including cancer.

Hysteroscopy. In this diagnostic procedure, your health care professional looks into your uterine cavity through a miniature telescope-like instrument called a hysteroscope. Local, or sometimes general, anesthesia is used, and the procedure can be performed in the hospital or in a doctor's office.

Dilation and curettage (D&C). During a D&C, your cervix is dilated and instruments are used to scrape away your uterine lining. A D&C may also be used as a treatment for excessive bleeding and for bleeding that doesn't respond to other treatments. It is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.
Pregnancy Do's & Dont's
Pregnancy Do’s

See your doctor regularly – Prenatal care can help keep you and your baby healthy and spot problems if they occur.

Continue taking folic acid throughout your pregnancy – All women capable of pregnancy should get 400 to 800 micrograms (400 to 800 mcg or 0.4 to 0.8 mg) of folic acid every day. Getting enough folic acid lowers the risk of some birth defects. Taking a vitamin with folic acid will help you to be sure you are getting enough.

Eat a variety of healthy foods – Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, calcium- rich foods, lean meats, and a variety of cooked seafood.

Get all essential nutrient – Including iron,every day. Getting enough iron prevents anemia, which is linked to preterm birth and low-birth weight babies. Ask your doctor about taking a daily prenatal vitamin or iron supplement.

Drink extra fluids, especially water.

Get moving! Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, physical activity is good for you and your baby.

Gain a healthy amount of weight – Gaining more than the recommended amount during pregnancy increases a woman’s risk for pregnancy complications. It also makes it harder to lose the extra pounds after childbirth.Check with your doctor to find out how much weight you should gain during pregnancy.

Wash hands, especially after handling raw meat or using the bathroom

Get enough sleep – Aim for 7 to 9 hours every night. Resting on your left side helps blood flow to you and your baby and prevents swelling. Using pillows between your legs and under your belly will help you get comfortable

Set limits – Don’t be afraid to say “no” to requests for your time and energy. Ask for help from others.

Make sure health problems are treated and kept under control – If you have diabetes, control your blood sugar levels. If you have high blood pressure, monitor it closely.

Ask Your Doctor Before Stopping any medicines you take or taking any new medicines – Prescription, over-the- counter, and herbal medicine, all can harm your baby.

Get a flu shot – Pregnant Women can get very sick from the flu and may need hospital care. Ask your doctor about the flu vaccine.

Always Wear Seat belt – The Lap Strap should go under your belly, across your hips. The shoulder strap should go between your breasts and to the side of your belly.

Join Childbirth Or Parenting Classes.

Pregnancy Don’ts

Don’t Smoke Tobacco – Quitting Is Hard, but you can do it! Ask your Doctor for help. Smoking during pregnancy passes nicotine and cancer-causing drugs to your baby. Smoking also keeps your baby from getting needed nourishment and raises the ris

k of miscarriage, preterm birth, and infant death. Avoid exposure to toxic substances and chemicals, such as cleaning solvents, lead and mercury, some insecticides, and paint. Pregnant women should avoid exposure to paint fumes.

Protect Yourself And Your Baby From Food- borne illness, which can cause serious health problems and even death. Handle, clean, cook, eat, and store food properly.

Don’t Drink Alcohol – There Is No Known safe amount of alcohol a woman can drink while pregnant. Both drinking every day and drinking a lot of alcohol once in awhile during pregnancy can harm the baby.

Don’t use illegal drugs – Tell your doctor if you are using drugs. Recreational Drugs are very dangerous for you and your baby.

Don’t clean or change a cat’s litter box – This could put you at risk for toxoplasmosis, an infection that can be very harmful to the fetus.

Don’t Eat Swordfish, king mackerel, shark, and tilefish, which are high in mercury.

Avoid contact with rodents and with their urine, droppings, or nesting material. This includes household pests and pet rodents, such as guinea pigs and hamsters. Rodents can carry a virus that can be harmful or even deadly to your unborn baby.

Don’t Take Very Hot Bath in hot tubs or saunas. High temperatures can be harmful to the fetus, or cause you to faint.

Don’t use scented feminine hygiene products. Pregnant women should avoid scented sprays, sanitary napkins, and bubble bath. These products might irritate your vaginal area, and increase your risk of a urinary tract infection or yeast infection.

Avoid X-Rays. If you must have dental work or diagnostic tests, tell your dentist or physician that you are pregnant so that extra care can be taken.

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